Thursday, March 28, 2019

Weight Loss Surgery Myths Debunked

Many people struggle with weight issues and it can terrible lower their self-esteem and confidence. Today obesity is one of the major concerns and is one of the major causes for some of the health problems. When you are overweight you are more prone to certain diseases which can terribly affect your fitness and lifestyle. Diet and exercise play a major role in weight loss and are one of the major factors behind long term weight loss results. For good results, you definitely need to be more serious and determined about weight loss and understand that it is not going to happen overnight.
However, many people struggle with weight loss especially if you are extremely overweight (50-60 pounds over your ideal weight) then losing weight from diet and exercise can be very difficult so a weight loss surgery is recommended in such cases.  There are a number of weight loss surgery support groups that can guide you through the process of weight loss surgery and clear your questions about the procedure.

Weight loss surgery is of different types and hence various surgeries might be the best option for you. There are a number of myths associated with weight loss surgery let’s discuss them here.

#1Myth: Weight loss surgery is risky
There are risks involved in every surgery however, there are minimal risks involved in case of bariatric surgery. With the advancement in technology, there are minimal risks involved in weight loss surgery as they are now less invasive than before.

#2Myth: Weight loss surgery takes a longer recovery time
Many people believe that weight loss surgery takes a long time to recover. Although the recovery time varies from patient to patient and the type of surgery performed usually it takes around 2-3 weeks for a person to fully recover from a weight loss surgery.

#3Myth: After weight loss surgery you won’t gain weight even if you eat more
During the first 6-12 months, people who undergo weight-loss surgery do notice a decrease in their appetite. In many weight surgeries, there is a reduction in the size of the stomach which results in less intake of food and therefore lowers the calorie intake. However, if you keep eating all day (even small portions of food) there are high chances that you would gain weight. Therefore, you must stick to your diet plan in order to stay healthy and maintain your weight post weight loss surgery.

#4Myth: Eating large meals won’t increase the size of the stomach
Even after a weight loss surgery, the stomach can stretch to accommodate a larger portion of meals. As a result, the food empties the stomach faster and the person tends to eat more. Therefore, results in weight gain even after the surgery.

#5Myth: Weight loss surgery won’t give permanent weight loss results
Although, people can gain a little bit of weight after undergoing the surgery if you maintain a healthy diet and a good lifestyle then you are not likely to gain weight. Even after weight loss surgery, you will have to maintain the weight for permanent results. 

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